Dark passage
A downloadable Dark Passage
Description / Descripción :
You are lost in dark catacombs, your only ally is your flashlight and your enemy is the time. You will have to light up the passages to reach the exit before the time is up.
History / Historia :
You are a clerk that have just finished your work shift in the pretty french city of Paris. On the way to your car before opening it, you fell down a gutter and appeared in a closed tunnel from the second world war. You just remember that in the office you were making a new flashlight prototipe and that you were going to bring it to your home. Here is where the adventure begins, would you be able to scape and dodge the enemies in the tunnel before the battery of the flashlight is over?
How to play / Funcionamiento :
This videogame is designed for Amstrad CPC 464, being able to play in the original machine, in WineAPE 2.0 beta 2 and in Retro Virtual Machine (RVM) V20. Downloading the .cdt file, you can run and play the video game.
Keys / Teclas :
In the initial screen and the explaining control screen, the space bar is used as a way to change the scene/screen.
When the game is started, the cursor keys (up, down, left and right) are used for moving the character along the map.
Gesture to Rainbow Islands / Guiño a Rainbow Islands:
As you can see, the light that comes out the flashlight is a rainbow, being the gesture to Rainbow Islands because, besides being a part of the name of the game, this element is constantly appearing as an element of the gameplay.
Arkos Tracker
Visual Studio Code
Authors / Autores:
Nazar Blanco Kataran
Pedro Valdecantos Izquierdo
Clara Benito López
More information / Más información:
If you want to know more about the game, like how to run it or more specified information, you can download our game manual.
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